And Then There Were None began with a secret rendezvous at midnight; actors picked up the audience in Manhattan and shuttled them to Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx. There were seven ticket tiers, each with their own specific instructions for when and where to meet. Some met a man on a bench looking out over the Hudson, a larger group met at Union Square Park. Some arrived on the train, others in a town car, and a select few cruised uptown in a limo with a personalized flask and the city at their backs. The characters -- and audience – converged on a moonlit path as the cemetery gates swung open to greet them. With flashlights in hand, they trekked to the chapel house where they would spend the rest of the night.
The action unfolded in the chapel’s many rooms: in the main sanctuary, in bedrooms, parlors, living rooms, dim basement nooks, and even the grounds outside. With the full moon hanging over the warmly lit house, “Soldier Island” was an insulated world within the darkness of a vast cemetery. A candlelit finale after an explosive, true-to-the-novel climax left audience members wondering who on earth did it and how.
Written by Agatha Christi Directed by Taylor Meyers